Welcome to the Lufop.net API help page !

As you know Lufop.net and all content is shared with a CC BY-SA 4.0 license. This means you can :

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. To help to share the data we build a free api to access all POIs from Lufop.net.

So please if you build an application or a website using these data add a back link to lufop.net

Exemples :

XML format : https://api.lufop.net/api?key=< key >&format=xml&nbr=2

Json format : https://api.lufop.net/api?key=< key >&format=json&nbr=2

Available options :

  • select format :
    • format=xml (default)
    • format=json
    • select country :
      • pays=fr|it|ch|br|es| ... (default : fr)
      • number of entries to select :
        • ex for 100 entries use : nbr=100
        • maximum = 10000, default = 10
      • Select only POI updated since :
        • Ex POI updated since 2022-01-01 use : since=2022-01-01
      • get only POI arround a GPS localisation :
        • q=lat,lon ex : q=44.866488,2.268774
      • Ajust area zoom factor for POI selection (work only with q set) :
        • q=lat,lon&m=[1 to 10000] ex : q=44.866488,2.268774&m=100
        • default : 10

      Available starting API v1.2 (2023-02-10)

      Flash :
      F : Front
      B : Back
      D : Double direction (Back and Front)

      Emplacement : Camera position
      L : Camera on Left of the road
      R : Camera on Right of the road
      C : Camera on center/middle of the road or between 2 roads